Friday 15 June 2012

God I Love Living in the Future!

Upon re-reading some of my articles today I'm beginning to realise that this blog is beginning to take a somewhat pessimistic tone, and so I've decided that amongst my usual grumpy rantings I'm going to stick several recurring themes to show that it isn't all doom and gloom. So I give you the first of many, the totally geek-orientated; God I Love Living in the Future!

Because, in many respects, it is the future now! Or at least it is according to virtually all of the Sci-fi shows and films that I used to watch (and occasionally still do! X^D) Take Terminator, for example. We've survived Judgement Day! August 29, 1997 came and went. We even got through the revised 2003, 2004 and 2011 Judgement Days! Wooo! We should really start digging on the moon for that Black Block, because both 2001 and 2010 are now in the history books, and I'm yet to see anyone having a Space Odyssey. Although my email account does tell me good morning. Smarmy little bastard. 

And that's kinda my point. We don't have phasers and force fields quite yet, but we're getting close. So in each God I Love Living in the Future!  I'm going to list three awesome things that are real now. And I'm not even going to include the obvious stuff, like how mobiles work a lot like communicators. You can even call your mum by saying "Kirk to Enterprise" into the mouthpiece. Or how the thing that Picard got handed by various Ensigns looks a lot like an iPad. Or even how fond Picard is of Skype. I think it's a bit odd that they never put the two together. Now you can actually video-call someone on a hand-held pad. Which is a little bit awesome when you think about it.
Anyway, enough Star Trek references and onto the good stuff. I've put them in reverse order of awesomeness.

3. Graphene 
Graphene is a new nano-material that was discovered recently. It's 2-dimensional, and superconductive at room temperature. The smaller it gets the more efficient it gets, the reverse of silicon. This lets you have very small computer chips. As in atoms big. And best of all, it's not even rare. It's made of pure carbon. Graphite, the stuff that's in pencils. This, my friends, is the start of nanotechnology. Computers the size of cells. When Intel start making graphene processors, then computers are gonna get hella fast hella quick.

2.Brain-Computer Interface 
A Brain-Computer Interface is pretty self-explanatory. Its an interface between a human brain and a computer. It lets the machine read your thoughts. This has many applications, such as getting James May around in a thought-controlled wheelchair, to the exo-skeleton that let a woman paralysed from the waist down run the London Marathon this year, to the robotic arm that is plugged directly into the mind of a totally paralysed woman, allowing her to feed herself coffee for the first time. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, We are the Borg. Resistance is Futile.

1. Synthia
This is the big one. This still gets me excited and I'm a little embarrassed to say a bit emotional when I think about it. I'm a geneticist after all. I'll try not to embellish too much, and just say it plain and simple.

We have created synthetic life. We have written a life form on a computer, and then created it in a laboratory. A species exists now that did not exist before. Not through divine will, but by our scientific knowledge, by our human innovation, by our insatiable curiosity to understand the very nature of what we are, the nature of life itself. And now we do. 

We are the Engineers from Prometheus.

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