Friday 15 June 2012

Exodus, the Movement of the People

There seems to be lots of outrage at the moment about the odd exodus of people from London to random other parts of the country. There was a large chunk of Newsnight1 the other day devoted to  asking why London councils had decided to dump children in care in towns that were rife with crime. People couldent understand why London would send their most vulnerable children, those who had been placed into care, into situations that in some cases were worse than the ones they left. How is it that there is a high concentration of privately owned children's homes in one small area known  by the police for its large quantities of drug dealers, prostitutes, probation hostiles and registered paedophiles? 

Here's what I think is going on. The government, the people in charge of allocating where the children should go? They don't care. The rent in these places was cheap, and the law said that they had to stash 'em somewhere. So like anyone forced to do tidy-up, they did it in the easiest, most half assed manner possible. Throw some money at the problem, and get the cheapest bidder to do the dirty work. Yay capitalism!  Who cares if a few hoodies get raped? They should of had the good sense not to be born poor. It's just like the parenting classes.2 Poor people are just inherently a bit shit. They must be, because they don't even have any money! I mean, you must be stupid or lazy or addicted to drugs or something! After all it's so easy to make money these days, isn't it?

Well no, actually it's not. It's easy to make money if you already have money. If you can afford the police bribes, or the stakes in the giant casino that is the stock market, then yeah, good for you. But if you're working a part-time minimum wage job because that's all you can get, because all the unpaid workfare people have been allocated all the hours that you used to do, then no. Money is not easy to come by. And when the housing benefits get capped, but the landlords are still allowed to charge whatever they want, there is simply not enough money3. And so, Exodus. The movement of the people. Out with you filthy poor scum. Only pure-bred yuppies are allowed to live here. As a council officer declares: "To live in Westminster is a privilege, not a right!"4. Personally, I think that says it all. It's an ideological argument, not an economical argument. Economically it's a bit suicidal. I mean, if you can't afford to live in London on a bin-man's wage, then who is going to empty the bins? Who will deliver the letters if being a postman doesn't pay? Who will man the tills at Tesco? Do you all really like self-service checkouts that much?

Of course, there will be those who tell me I'm spouting bollocks, that there is no such thing as class warfare or even class any more. That this is just incompetence and people not paying attention, or being unable to do anything about it because there not enough money, debt crisis, mess Labour left us etc. I don't know, maybe there's an element of that, yes. But as this guy concludes5

"The government's own impact assessment and academic research makes clear that people will be forced to move because of the changes and central parts of London will to a certain extent become the preserve of the rich with more lower income people congregating in cheaper areas of the capital. "Social cleansing" is a strong term that some readers have objected to. But there is some evidence of a trend consistent with it. "

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